Help Document: P-Scan High-speed Proxy Scanner Scan type is SYN. Scan result are checked and classified automatically. Optimize and create IP ranges from proxy list. Notice: 1,SYN scanner need Administrator privilege. 2,SYN scanner works well with Windows 2000 and Windows 2003, but not Windows XP and Windows Vista. Windows XP and Vista have the limitation of TCP parallel connections. How to use: Step by step A demo Movie is here: 1) load IP ranges from file or the "IP Ranges Maker" 2) set proxis port you want to scan, for example: 8000 8080 7212 3128 1080 3) Delete Dangerous IP Ranges 4) Set scan process priority to "BELOW NORMAL" 5) Set check threshold between 2000 and 10000, or other value you'd like 6) Click Scan! The scan results are saved in the directory of lists/scan